What are the veins of varicose?
Varicose veins are dilated superficial tortuous veins that usually occur in the lower limb. They are common in families and are more likely to affect women than men.
What causes Varices?
The development of defective valves in the veins of the leg causes varicose veins. Two vein systems in the lower limb are present in health: deep and superficial. The deep veins run between the muscles and bones along the arteries. Muscular activity compresses the deep veins into the heart (the muscle pump). Reflux is prevented by competent valves that ensure the flow of blood to the heart. The superficial veins are under the skin. There are two main superficial veins, the long and short saphenous veins, which drain through valves in the groin, behind the knee and at different so-called perforator sites into the deep system. The most common cause of varicose veins is the development of valve incompetence in the groin or behind the knee. These are called the junctions of saphenofemoral and poplite. This allows the reflux of blood from the deep system into the superficial system, which causes the dilation and tortuousness of the veins under the skin, which is why varicose veins develop.
Clinical characteristics of varicose veins
The characteristic discomfort caused by varicose veins is a painful sensation that is exacerbated by long periods of standing and eased by elevating the leg. This can be related to leg swelling. Varicose veins may be painless, but their appearance can cause considerable distress. High chronic pressure in the veins causes changes in the skin, including thread veins and brown pigmentation. The condition can progress to severe skin changes and leg ulceration around the ankle if left untreated.
How is varicosis veins evaluated?
In the naked eye, varicose veins are usually evident. As described above, however, the visible veins are caused by defective valves elsewhere in the leg. A bad result would be the treatment of the visible veins without addressing the underlying defective valves; the problem would simply recur in another part of the leg. By contrast, if all damaged valves are treated, the varicose veins can be removed very efficiently in the future with a very low probability of recurrence.
The conventional treatment of varicosis veins
Involved the surgical removal of defective veins under general anesthetic. Significant pain and bruising after the operation were commonly seen and we do not use this technique for this reason. New endogenous (pin-hole) methods can be used to treat the underlying damaged veins causing varicosis veins.
If a patient chooses local anesthetic treatment, treatment is usually spread over two or more sessions spread over a week or so. The whole problem can be treated in one procedure if a general anesthetic is preferred. For details on the laser treatment of varicosis veins and a video of the vascular procedure, please see the Treatments, Techniques and Services section of the website.
We here in Gujarat Hospital provide best treatment of Varicose Veins in Surat and Gujarat.
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